Evaluating Your Current Coverage

Open Enrollment

OEP is your opportunity to review and change your health insurance coverage for the following year.

We aim to assist families who are looking for their perfect helthcare options.

The Elite Difference

At Elite Agency, we'll treat you like family. Our mission is to take care you and address your health insurance needs for years to come. We simplify the process, provide transparency of plan benefits and help determine available government subsidies.

You are our number one priority, we are dedicated to prioritizing your needs.  
We empower you with the knowledge to choose the right plan.
We are here with you at every stage, prepared to guide you through your healthcare journey.
Our customer service team is available to assist you, maximizing the benefits of your plan
Let Us answer your questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Open Enrollment Period the same for Medicaid and Medicare?
What to know before Open Enrollment Period (OEP)?
What if I miss Open Enrollment?